Sunday, February 25, 2007

David Suzuki

I didn't get to see David Suzuki today here in Kamloops. So if anyone out there would like to leave a comment about how it went and what he had to say, that would be great.


onedropinthebucket said...

we can all individually make a change in our environment by taking the eco-challenge. i loved his expression, "many drops fill buckets" implying that even a as one single drop in a bucket you will make a difference. we need to change individually and encourage others to make decisions for our grandchildren to have clean air and water. try to convice 5 people a year to live more envronmentally friendly.
the big industries need to be targeted also and we can make noise to our politicians to make changes in emission laws. go to and take the eco-challenge and sign the ballot. mr. suzuki is aiming for 1 million people on board.
on a personal note, i think everyone knows in the back of their mind how important this is to humankind, but their actions need to reflect their intelligence. making noise is one good way to get peoples attention.

kamloops recycler said...

Thanks for reading and taking the time to let us know what Mr. Suzuki had to say. We think that individually we can do nothing, but there must be something to the expression "the squeaky wheel gets the grease".