Sunday, April 23, 2006


Like I mentioned previously, I live in an apartment and all of our garbage is thrown into a communal dumpster. Because of my recycling efforts, it seems we are producing about half (if that) the garbage we once did. I only wish that other apartment dwellers were so conscience of what they throw out. This week when I put out my trash, I saw a baby's car seat with a few extras - blanket, rattle....I almost wanted to go in there and make sure that the baby wasn't in there too!!!! Now I know that baby seats need to be approved and probably have a limited life. But this seat looked in pretty good shape.

So here are some options for recycling (everything):

The City recycle bins take: food tins, milk jugs, cardboard, mixed paper and newspapers.

At General Grants, you can get money for: milk cartons/juice cartons, small plastic milk containers, juice boxes, cans, bottles, and food tins.

Donate old clothes and household goods to: Penny Pinchers, Salvation Army Thrift Store, Value Village and Big Brothers and Big Sisters (they take it to Value Village for $).

Take good used items to Mint Condition Boutique and the Mulberry Bush (children's items) on a consignment basis. (I'm sure the Mulberry Bush would know whether that car seat is any good).

Or have your own garage sale!!!

I apologize if I missed any place to recycle or donate, but as you can see there are lots ofthings you can do to keep your so-called garbage out of the landfill. As the commercial says, "return it; it's worth it!!!"

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