I know that it has been a long time since I've written, but the Mid-Day News here in Kamloops inspired me to get going again.
Larry Reed interviewed a City person who said that along with our regular garbage can we can put out three standard size garbage bags for the first collection after Xmas.
I just want to remind everyone that much of what we might put out in the garbage can be recycled.
Xmas wrap along with the cardboard rolls can go into the mixed paper bin.
Xmas wrap that is in good shape can be saved and reused next year.
Tin cans can go into the food can bins and food bottles can go into the glass bin.
Your Christmas tree can go out to Cinnamon Ridge for composting.
Liquor bottles and cola cans can be cashed in at General Grants.
Unwanted gifts can be donated to the Salvation Army or God forbid...regifted.
Any other suggestions....Happy New Year and Happy Recycling!!!